Let My Life Speak: A Journal of Discernment
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Thursday, 29 October 2009
The life that I'm living...

Is the life that you are living the same as the life that wants to live in you?

 Parker Palmer poses this question at the beginning of his book, "Let Your Life Speak".  Maybe to you, the question is moot.  Of course, what you're living is your life!  But for me, and I'd guess for many others, the question holds my attention as I contemplate what it is that wants to live in me.  What life in me is aching to be born in the world?  What life is waiting for me to live it?  I can't claim that my life has been wasted, and I know that some of what I've lived has wanted to live in me.  And at this point in the journey, I also know that there is yet more, and a yet different life that is calling from within me.

 It's time to listen.  Time to stop informing my life and time to start letting it inform me.

Posted by Sharon at 6:25 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 29 October 2009 6:35 PM EDT
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